9.16.24 | Between Striving + Apathy | Facts, Stories + Feelings
Returning to Practice
9.11.24 | Spinal Rinse | Inside Dragon | Sea of Qi
Returning to Practice
9.9.24 | Our Retreat + Wedding | Great Joy + Great Grief
Butterflies + Moonbeams
8.14.24 | Stillness + Movement | Steadiness of Heart | Masterful Attention
Canoes + Selves
8.12.24 | Integral Life Practice | What does “empty” mean?
Deep Listening
8.7.24 | Listening from Listening | Sea Grass Finish | Less Talking
Still Feeding the Reactivity
8.5.24 | Slugs + Canoes | Breaking Cycles of Reactivity
Yin with a Chair
8.1.24 | Hips + Spine | Accessing Zones with Chair | Floor Triangle
Off the Hook
7.29.24 | Thoughts as Hooks | Awareness “Already Awake”
Around the World
7.24.24 | Hips All Zones | Twisting Spine | Thorough Mindfulness
The Show of Self View
7.22.24| Views from Selves | Selves with Views | Releasing Contraction
Spinal Qi
7.17.24 | Connecting Seas of Qi | Soothing the Heart
Comprehension of Purpose
7.8.24 | At-Home Practice | Buddha’s instructions to his son
Zones of Qi-nterest
7.3.24 | Ways + Foundations of Presence + Peacefulness
The Gate of Lack
7.1.24 | Practice for the Shambolic Life | Exploring the Sense of Lack
Preparing the Faucets
6.26.24 | Supple Spine | Momentary Changingness | Integrated Flow
Remembering Our Ancestors
6.24.24 | Our Noble Friends | Rivers of Tears + Dharma
Cooling Flow
6.18.24 | Conducting the Symphony of Body, Qi + Heart | Cooling Body + Mind
Full Catastrophe Living
6.17.24 | Lessons from Death | The Rainbow of Self | Meaning + Nihilism
Soothe + Restore
6.12.24 | Releasing the Spine | Receiving With Metta
Gifts in our Garden
6.10.24 | Sorrow + Joy | Gratitude for Neighbors | Our Heart’s Garden