4.26.22 | Yin Deer Flow | 8 Brocades | Swimming Dragon | Free Flow
Circulating Qi
4.21.22 | Guided Meditation | Deer, Spine and Dragon Mobility Flow | Twelve Rivers Qi Gong
Abiding Stillness
4.20.22 | Whole Body Tonic | Varieties of Stillness | Wisdom | Anti-fragility
Circulating Qi
4.14.22 | Gorilla Walk | Tiger/Liver Forms | Revolved Triangle | Deer
Knowing Wisdom
Hips and Spine | Self-Fragility | Anti-fragility of Self | Buddhadharma
Nourishing Qi
4.6.22 | Liver Qi | Wood Element | Hips | Worldly Winds | Compassion | Calm
Grounding Qi
3.31.22 | Dragon Flow with Outrigger emphasis | 4 Movements for the Liver | Zhan Zhuang (standing meditation)
Nurturing Compassion
3.30.22 | Wisdom + Compassion | Empty Cup | Tea of Self-Brew | Whole Body Tonic
Circulating Qi
3.24.22 | Strap work for shoulders/side body | Dragon Flows | Tiger Stretches its Back
Nurturing Compassion
3.23.22 | Spinal Rinse | MELTING ICE | Embodied Listening | Aperture of Consciousness
Balancing Clocks
3.17.22 | Stability + Agility | Balancing
Nourishing Qi
3.15.22 | Eight Pieces of Silk Brocade | Swimming Dragon
Nurturing Compassion
3.9.22 | Abdominal + Pelvic Fascia | Yin Pranayama | On Judging | Compassionate Alignment
Circulating Qi
3.3.22 | Sphinx Rollup Flow | Balancing Clock | Dragon Waves + Dragon Dives
Nurturing Compassion
3.2.22 | Whole Body Tonic | Compassionate Receptivity | Yin Pranayama
Nurturing Compassion
2.23.22 | Fluidity | Playing Edge + Wise Compassion | Whole Body Tonic | Stillness
Harmonizing Qi
2.22.22 | Bear and Water forms | Swirling Plates
Harmonizing Qi
2.16.22 | Whole Body Tonic | Listening to Listening | Abiding Stillness
Nourishing Qi
2.15.22 | Bear Forms | Swimming Dragon
Grounding Qi
2.10.22 | Dynamic Sphinx and Side Planking | Water Salutations | Tiger Forms | Five Element Flow
Knowing Wisdom
2.9.22 | Taming the Dragon | Whole Body Tonic | Practice of 3’s | Mindfulness of Sensation