6.11.24 | Rolling, Undulating, Stabilizing + Mobilizing | Warrior Cow Moon Ghost Flow
Essentialized Flow
6.4.24 | Prone to Sit | Slow + Playful | Isometrics + Flow
Returning to Practice
5.28.24 | Sensing the Body/Heart/Mind | Mobility + Stability | Improvising
Circles + Steps
5.14.24 | Hips + Spine All Angles | Step off Curb | Lotus Mudra Flow
Practicing Between Heaven + Earth
5.9.24 | Microcosmic Orbit | Ocean Currents of Energy | Swimming Dragon Improv
A Resting Heart
5.8.24 | Humming, Breathing + Letting Be | All Zone Practice
Intro to Between Heaven + Earth
4.25.25 | Waking the Qi | Between Heaven + Earth | Ocean Currents of Energy
Hips Don’t Lie
4.23.24 | All Relationships to Gravity | Hip Circling | Personal Reset | Warrior to Curtsy to Balance Flow
Wei Qi Improv
4.18.24 | Activating + Strengthening Wei Qi | Horse, Bow + Cat Stance | Spinning Cupcakes
Yin + 7 Faucets
Yin + 7 Faucets
4.17.24 | Neck, Shoulders, Spine, Hips + Knees | Yin Yoga + Lymphatic Flow
Balance + Coordination
4.16.24 | Hips, Knees + Spine | Pulling 9 Cows | Playful Exploration
Seeds of Intention
4.2.24 | Body Prayer | Bird Dog Variations | Side Angle Flow to Flight
Tuning in to Flow
3.28.24 | Waking the Qi to 12 Rivers | Activate, Circulate, Gather + Settle
Spying + Flying Dragon
3.26.24 | Diagonal Dragons | Clocks to Warrior | Flying Dragon Flow
Live Monthly Practice + Discussion
3.22.23 | The Meta Organ of Qi Cultivation | Mobility, Stability, Flow + Breath
Practicing the 8 Brocades
3.21.24 | Intentions + Affirmations | Faucets + Joints | Making Waves
Lymph + Qi Flow
3.13.24 | 7 Faucets of Qi | Quadrupeds + Serpents | Cultivating the Pleasant
Tuning the Pleasant
3.6.24 | Yin OD Breath | Spinal Flow | Activating Yang
Coordination + Flow
3.5.24 | OD Breath + Brace | Flowing Table | Dragon Spies Prey to Utthita Hasta Flow | Creative Expression
Practicing the 8 Brocades
2.29.24 | Variations of “Bending the Body” | Flowing Lymph + Qi | Silken Movements
Practicing the 8 Brocades
2.22.24 | Variations of “Wise Owl Turns its Head” | Lymphatic Massage + Nerve Glides | Joy in Shaking