2.16.22 | Whole Body Tonic | Listening to Listening | Abiding Stillness
Knowing Wisdom
2.9.22 | Taming the Dragon | Whole Body Tonic | Practice of 3’s | Mindfulness of Sensation
Exploring the River
1.31.22 | Knowing Wisdom | Releasing the Thinker | Relaxation in Practice
Appreciation and Naturalness in Practice
12.20.21 | Gratitude | Yin Meditation Instructions | Sangha
A Winter’s Day of Yin ONLINE RETREAT
This online retreat experience explores the twin themes that are at the core of our approach to practice: Synergy and consistency. A full day of gentle, but consistent, practice offers the opportunity to experience the synergistic effects of integrating Yin Yoga, Qi Gong, and Yin Meditation as a core trinity of practice.
Circulating Qi
Yin Flow | Zhan Zhuang | Five Element | Turning and Gazing
Harmonizing Qi
Whole Body Tonic | Yin Pranayama | Humming + PBJ Breathing | Samatha-Vipassana Meditation
Peace Within Uncertainty (part 2)
Knowing Wisdom | Reliable Peace | Moment to Moment Attention | Vipassana
Harmonizing Qi
Prone Yin | Waking the Qi | Waves | Walking
The Key to Stillness (part 1)
Abiding Stillness | Peaceful Mind/Heart | Calm | Letting Be
Harmonizing Qi
Whole Body Tonic | Kindness (Metta) + Stillness (Samadhi) + Insight (Vipassana)
Nourishing Qi
Between Heaven + Earth | Harmonizing the Elements
From Perch to Flight: Yin to Yang Meditation
In this two-hour workshop, Josh will offer ways of integrating elements of Yang Meditation to one’s Yin Meditation practice.
The Heart of Qi Cultivation
In this 2-hour workshop, Josh shares an in-depth introduction to the core principles of Qi Cultivation with Pranayama and Yin Yoga.