10.22.24 | Bracing + Marching | Split Squats | All Lines Flow
Focused Lunges
10.1.24 | Joints + Lymph | Hinge + Lunge Patterns | Lunge + Twist Balance Flow
Feelings + Stories
9.23.24 | Untangling Sensations, Feelings + Stories | Dharma Discernment
Foundational Exploration
9.17.24 | Dragon Isometrics to Warrior II + Triangle | All Lines Flow
Returning to Practice
9.10.24 | Mobility | Warrior + Side Angle Basics | Full-Bodied Flow
Slow Build
8.13.24 | Spine + Hip Mobility | Squat Prep | Slow Flow to Crane
Crows + Cranes
8.6.24 | Contra-Lateral Coordination | Spinal Stability | Crow to Crane Flow
Lines + Steps
7.30.24 | Inner + Outer Lines | Triangle to Tiger | Lateral Lunge to Curtsy
Lateral Lunge Love
7.23.24 | Isometric Dragons | Adductor Focus | Warrior Triangle Balance Flow
Balanced Flow
7.16.24 | Hips + Spine | Traintracks + Tightropes | Balance
Stability to Flow
7.9.24 | Cobras + Wings | Empty + Full | Alternating Leg Balanced Flow
Stability + Balance
7.2.24 | Slow-Mo Stability | Train Tracks + Tightropes | Lateral Goodness
Monthly Practice + Discussion
6.28.24 | Terry leads a strength-based practice as a teaser to the upcoming Everyday Strength series
Bend the Knee
6.25.24 | Supine Warmup | Isometrics | Clock Block Lunge Party
Essentialized Flow
6.4.24 | Prone to Sit | Slow + Playful | Isometrics + Flow
Leg Awareness Day
5.7.24 | Leg Actions + Activations | Flamenco Series | Moon Salutations | Turn + Gaze
Hip Stability + Integrity
4.30.24 | Tapping + Shaking | Clocks ON Blocks | Tiger to Half Moon to Pigeon Crossing
Balance + Coordination
4.16.24 | Hips, Knees + Spine | Pulling 9 Cows | Playful Exploration
Playful Mobility + Strength
4.9.24 | Deer Play | Bird Dog Variations | Curtsy Flow with Support | Creativity with Props
Seeds of Intention
4.2.24 | Body Prayer | Bird Dog Variations | Side Angle Flow to Flight
Isometrics + Flow
3.19.24 | Faucets + Joints | Shoulder Isometrics | Sphinx Rollups + Cobra | Horse to Crane Flow