A wonderful facial massage using your hands or gua sha stone to increase circulation and encourage the healthy flow of lymph.
Elemental Harmony Qi Gong
This gentle practice aims to harmonize and balance the energy of the five elemental qualities within the body. Use this practice to connect with your energetic state and offer nourishment and grounding to your overall being.
Just Savasana
All across the landscape of modern yoga, savasanas are becoming an endangered yogic experience, becoming shorter and shorter every year. This etude pushes against this trend and emphasizes “savasana preservation.” Give yourself the gift of really relaxing the eyes, mouth and ears in Josh’s ten minute savasana.
SOFT Fluid Yin Dragon Flow
This short sequence invites mobility and fluidity to the hips and spine through an exploration of the available ranges of motion applying Yin + Yang tensions.
Meditation without Grasping
Josh’s 15 minute guided Yin Meditation explores the three “R’s” of non-grasping: Relaxing, Recognizing and Releasing.
Everyday Mobility
This 15 minute full-body practice mobilizes the joints and encourages the healthy flow of qi. It’s easy to do and perfect as a morning energizer.
The 3 R’s of Yin Samatha-Vipassana Meditation
Josh explores the themes of Relaxation, Rest and Receptivity within the context of supporting calm clarity. (20min)
Waking the Qi (from a chair)
Circulating Qi | Qi Gong Flow
Waking the Qi (from the floor)
Circulating Qi | Qi Gong Flow
Side Plank Tutorial
Spinal Stability | Essential Foundation
Mini Curl-Up Tutorial
Spinal Stability | Essential Foundation
Bird Dog Tutorial
Spinal Stability | Essential Foundation
Shoulder Mobility
Mobility | Circulating Qi
Wrist Wakeup
Mobility | Functionality
Bridge | Seagrass
Principles + Practice
Lift Up Pour Down
Energy Awareness | Joint Rotations | Self-Massage
Principles + Practice
Five Waves
Qi Gong Flow | Harmonizing Five Elements
Principles + Practice
Cat Tail
Principles + Practice
Principles + Practice