10.23.23 | Fascia + Fluid Flow | Yin + Yang of Water Purification
Hearts + Storms
10.2.24 | Soul-care amid crises | Reset + regulate the Qi of wellbeing
Exploring the Basics + Josh’s Yin-appropriate rant
9.18.24 | Foundations of Yin Yoga | Open Wing + Open Heart
Pop-Up Sangha Celebration
Celebrating Four Years | Sangha | Meditation
Returning to Practice
9.11.24 | Spinal Rinse | Inside Dragon | Sea of Qi
Practicing Enter the Flow
8.15.24 | Breath + Energy | Small Universe Cycle
Butterflies + Moonbeams
8.14.24 | Stillness + Movement | Steadiness of Heart | Masterful Attention
Deep Listening
8.7.24 | Listening from Listening | Sea Grass Finish | Less Talking
Practicing Enter the Flow
8.1.24 | Energy Awareness | Swimming Dragon | Spinning Plates
Yin with a Chair
8.1.24 | Hips + Spine | Accessing Zones with Chair | Floor Triangle
Nuanced Awareness
7.25.24 | Playing with Waves | Nuanced Awareness | Qi Gong Walking
Around the World
7.24.24 | Hips All Zones | Twisting Spine | Thorough Mindfulness
Spinal Qi
7.17.24 | Connecting Seas of Qi | Soothing the Heart
Balanced Flow
7.16.24 | Hips + Spine | Traintracks + Tightropes | Balance
Yang to Yin
7.10.24 | Lunges + Hips | Cooling Forward Folds | Steady Awareness
Stability to Flow
7.9.24 | Cobras + Wings | Empty + Full | Alternating Leg Balanced Flow
Zones of Qi-nterest
7.3.24 | Ways + Foundations of Presence + Peacefulness
Stability + Balance
7.2.24 | Slow-Mo Stability | Train Tracks + Tightropes | Lateral Goodness
Practicing Between Heaven + Earth
6.27.24 | Waking the Qi | Microcosmic Orbit | Sensing Energy
Preparing the Faucets
6.26.24 | Supple Spine | Momentary Changingness | Integrated Flow
Bend the Knee
6.25.24 | Supine Warmup | Isometrics | Clock Block Lunge Party