4.9.24 | Deer Play | Bird Dog Variations | Curtsy Flow with Support | Creativity with Props
Finding + Being Flow
4.2.24 | Phases of Flow | Whole, Parts + Tao | Beyond Methods
Seeds of Intention
4.2.24 | Body Prayer | Bird Dog Variations | Side Angle Flow to Flight
Tuning in to Flow
3.28.24 | Waking the Qi to 12 Rivers | Activate, Circulate, Gather + Settle
Fascia + Lymphatics
3.27.24 | Triple Burner + Fascia | Qi + Fluid Flow | Harmonizing Yin + Yang
Spying + Flying Dragon
3.26.24 | Diagonal Dragons | Clocks to Warrior | Flying Dragon Flow
Practicing the 8 Brocades
3.21.24 | Intentions + Affirmations | Faucets + Joints | Making Waves
All Spine
3.20.24 | Spinal All Ways | Channeling Qi | Tuning the Pleasant
Isometrics + Flow
3.19.24 | Faucets + Joints | Shoulder Isometrics | Sphinx Rollups + Cobra | Horse to Crane Flow
Lymph + Qi Flow
3.13.24 | 7 Faucets of Qi | Quadrupeds + Serpents | Cultivating the Pleasant
Mobility, Stability + Flow
3.12.24 | Faucets + Mobility | Shoulder Isometrics | Bird Dog | Turn + Gaze to Tree Flow
Practicing the 8 Brocades
3.7.24 | Variations of “Bending Down to Dissipate Disease” | Spinal Cord Breathing | Imitate, Integrate, Innovate
Tuning the Pleasant
3.6.24 | Yin OD Breath | Spinal Flow | Activating Yang
Coordination + Flow
3.5.24 | OD Breath + Brace | Flowing Table | Dragon Spies Prey to Utthita Hasta Flow | Creative Expression
Tending the Spaces
2.27.24 | Lymphatic Massage | Nerve Glides | Omni-Directional Breath + Brace | Twisty-Balancy Block Flow
Practicing the 8 Brocades
2.22.24 | Variations of “Wise Owl Turns its Head” | Lymphatic Massage + Nerve Glides | Joy in Shaking
Mobility, Stability + Flow
2.17.24 | Lymphatic Massage | Bike-Bridge-March | Block Pick Up-Put Down | Tiger Sweeping Flow
Practicing the 8 Brocades
2.15.24 | Variations of “Separating Heaven + Earth” | Qi Gong for Health
Playing with Tension
2.13.24 | Spine + Shoulder Stability | Sphinx Play | Degrees of Tension | Spinal Movements in Flow
Practicing the 8 Brocades
2.8.24 | Head Turning + GV14 | Variations of “Bow + Arrow” | Technique + Intention
Brace + Flow
2.6.24 | Sphinx Rollups | Bracing for Stability | All Movements of the Spine | Skill Development