2.26.24 | Life + Practice | Environment + Schedule | Internal Heart Alignment
Guided Meditation
Working with Fear
10.2.23 | Gathering Spirit | Truth + Fear | Heavenly Messengers
Meditation without Grasping
Josh’s 15 minute guided Yin Meditation explores the three “R’s” of non-grasping: Relaxing, Recognizing and Releasing.
The Light of Awareness
12.20.22 | Colored Light Meditation | Acceptance + Awareness | 12 Rivers Qi Gong
The 3 R’s of Yang Samatha-Vipassana Meditation
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3 Yang Vipassana Etudes
Josh guides you through three Yang Samatha-Vipassana Etudes that are based on the Mahasi Method. Sharpen skills of moment to moment perception with these meditation exercises. (30min)
The 3 R’s of Yang Samatha-Vipassana Meditation
10.17.22 | Yin Meditation | Recognize, Realize + Release | Calm Clarity | Samadhi
The 3 R’s of Yin Samatha-Vipassana Meditation
Josh explores the themes of Relaxation, Rest and Receptivity within the context of supporting calm clarity. (20min)
Wilder Than Wind
9.26.22 | Website Migration | Stress-Based Mindfulness Reduction | Refuge in Breath | Guided Meditation
Circulating Qi
7.7.22 | Heart Calming Meditation | Fingers + Wrists | Dragon Flow Exploration | 12 Rivers Qi Gong Flow
Compassionate Receptivity
2.28.22 | MELTING ICE | Compassionate RAIN | Nurturing Compassion | Transform Challenges
St. Anthony’s Valentine
2.14.22 | Christian + Buddhist Mysticism | Simplicity | Silence | Working with Inner-Demons | Wisdom + Compassion
The Heart of Yang Vipassana Meditation: Principles + Practice
2.5.22 | Building on his Introduction to Yin Meditation workshop, Josh will explore how Yang Vipassana Meditation (the Burmese “Mahasi Method”) develops from the foundation of receptive presence.
Knowing Wisdom
12.15.21 | Restorative Yin | Yin Pranayama | Humming + PBJ Breathing | Contemplative Interval Training | Yang Vipassana
A Winter’s Day of Yin ONLINE RETREAT
This online retreat experience explores the twin themes that are at the core of our approach to practice: Synergy and consistency. A full day of gentle, but consistent, practice offers the opportunity to experience the synergistic effects of integrating Yin Yoga, Qi Gong, and Yin Meditation as a core trinity of practice.
The Karma of Breathing
Knowing Wisdom | Unpacking Karma | Karma-ception + Breathing | Mindfulness
From Perch to Flight: Yin to Yang Meditation
In this two-hour workshop, Josh will offer ways of integrating elements of Yang Meditation to one’s Yin Meditation practice.
The Heart of Yin Meditation
In this special Yin Yoga workshop, Josh will share an in-depth introduction to the core principles of Yin Meditation, an approach to meditation that Josh developed to pair with Yin Yoga.