The third installment of this series focuses on the most physical mechanism by which I believe Yin Yoga harmonizes Qi, namely how Yin Yoga impacts the state of energy in the joints.
Qi Harmonization and Yin Yoga
How Yin Yoga Harmonizes Qi: A Holistic Model – Part 2
The second installment of this essay series will lay out a theoretical framework for how Yin Yoga can help support the harmonization of Qi from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
How Yin Yoga Harmonizes Qi: A Holistic Model – Part 1
This essay series will draw out some of the many hypothetical mechanisms of how the practice of Yin Yoga can be a powerful tool for harmonizing one’s Qi.
The Biochemistry of Qi
When our Qi is harmonized we feel physically relaxed, emotionally grounded, mentally calm and engaged. In other words, Qi harmonization is the basis for a thriving life.