Continuing with the theme of Wise Effort in meditation, I wanted to pick up on a thread from Ajahn Sucitto. He writes: “Energy has to be sustainable. For this reason, it’s good to assess if there are things you’re doing that you don’t need to do, so that your resources don’t dissipate. Even as you […]
Yin Meditation
Wise Effort 1/3
Last week, I was visiting with a friend who is passionately involved with a project to bring sustainable energy to the millions of people on the planet without adequate energy access. He was calling the initiative Sustainable Energy For All (SEFA) [Acronym, mine]. As I listened to him rattle off jaw-dropping facts and figures, my […]
Wise Livelihood
The theme of Wise Livelihood is something that I think about, a lot. Again and again, it raises its head, like a koan. What does a life of integrity and purpose look like? Back in college, I didn’t have a clue what to do with myself. I could see my peers ramping up towards respectable […]
Wise Speech
Ok, back to Wise Speech. No doubt, bringing mindfulness to habits of speech is one of the trickiest, hardest and rewarding domains of practice. I was raised in family and school environments where the art of verbal ju-jitsu was not only required for self-preservation but also a highly-esteemed character trait. The perfectly-timed, razor-sharp, dryly-delivered insult […]
The Intention of Compassion
Here, in New England, we’re bracing ourselves for a winter blizzard. Unfortunately, because of the nasty storm predictions, I decided to reschedule this weekend’s Yin training at Fresh Yoga, in New Haven, CT, to July 11-14. Alas, safety comes first. But this gives me a moment to carry on with the contemplations on the Eightfold […]
The Intention of Good Will
Before I continue with reflections from the Eightfold Path, I wanted to indulge in some shameless name-dropping. If you’ve been to my classes, you’ve caught wind of this. But during my last retreat at IMS in December, I re-met, an intellectual hero of mine, Robert Wright. I say re-met, because 8 or 9 years ago, I bumped into […]