10.20.22 | Transitions Front to Back, Floor to Stand | Playful Exploration | Crawling
Harmonizing Qi
9.27.22 | Self-Massage | Supported Yin | Intuition | Five Element Qi Gong
Grounding Qi
9.22.22 | Fall Equinox | Earth + Spleen | Squats + Balance
Nourishing Qi
9.20.22 | Fall Equinox | Earth + Spleen | Balance + Reflection | Yin + Yang
Why We Practice
9.12.22 | Intention | Heart of Practice | Grace as Accident | Presence
Knowing Wisdom
2.9.22 | Taming the Dragon | Whole Body Tonic | Practice of 3’s | Mindfulness of Sensation
On Contemplating Art as Practice
2.7.22 | Dharma of Art | Attention + Compassion
Abiding Stillness
2.2.22 | Whole Body Tonic | Dharma of Jazz | Rhythm, Harmony + Melody in Dharma Practice | Holistic Perception
Abiding Stillness
1.26.22 | Whole Body Tonic | Supine + Forward Folding Postures | Tuning the Heart | Dharma of Nature | Walking + Meditating
Nourishing Winter’s Yin with Qi Gong: Principles + Practice
In this special workshop, Terry will explore winter’s elemental themes of fluidity, reflectiveness, and creative renewal.
Harmonizing Qi
Whole Body Tonic | Yin Pranayama | Humming + PBJ Breathing | Samatha-Vipassana Meditation
Harmonizing Qi
Whole Body Tonic | One Practice, Many Forms | Yin Yoga | Qi Gong | Meditation
Grounding Qi
Observing | Creativity | Revolved Standing Postures
Grounding Qi
Stability + Mobility | Lungs | Yogi’s Choice
Harmonizing Qi
Between Heaven + Earth | Yogi’s Choice | Yin + Yang