11.16.22 | Being Aware of Being Aware | Open Spacious Mind | Receptive Listening
Harmonizing Qi
11.15.22 | Dantien Breathing | Wei Qi | Skillful Improvisation | Relaxation + Receptivity
In Praise of Morning Practice
11.14.22 | Checking Weather | Taking the Dharma With You | Remembering Refuge of Awareness
Noticing Space
11.2.22 | Yin Samatha-Vipassana | Content + Context | Noticing + Resting in the Spacious Mind
Nourishing Qi
11.1.22 | Rib Breathing | Wei Qi | Awareness + Receptivity
Harmonizing Qi
10.25.22 | Lung Cupping + Polishing | Wei Qi | Receptivity + Relaxation
Into the Lap of the Heart
10.24.22 | Yin Meditation | Samadhi + Wisdom | Challenges + Remedies | Confronting Fear
Nurturing Stillness
10.12.22 | Yin Samatha-Vipassana Meditation | 3 R’s of Calm Clarity | Embodied Wisdom Unfolding
Cultivating Calm Clarity
10.10.22 | Bhavana | Yin Samatha-Vipassana Reflections | 3R’s – Relax, Rest, Receive | Perching + Waking Up
Harmonizing Qi
10.4.22 | Transition | Earth + Metal | Dantien | Wei Qi
Wilder Than Wind
9.26.22 | Website Migration | Stress-Based Mindfulness Reduction | Refuge in Breath | Guided Meditation
The Ardent Yogi
9.19.22 | Intention | Personal Practice | Inner Fire | Ardency | Wu Wei
Why We Practice
9.12.22 | Intention | Heart of Practice | Grace as Accident | Presence
Harmonizing Qi
8.17.22 | Receptivity | Body, Breath + Awareness | Spinal Rinse
Harmonizing Qi
6.14.22 | Tadpole-Frog-Bullfrog Yin Flow | Wuji and Squat
Nurturing Compassion
6.8.22 | Brahma Viharas | Heart Gardening | Heart Opening
Compassionate Inquiry
3.14.22 | Compassionate RAIN | Intention | Cognitive Empathy | Receptive Listening
Compassionate Alignment
3.7.22 | Receptive Listening | Nurturing Compassion | Compassionate RAIN | Inner Peace
Nurturing Compassion
3.2.22 | Whole Body Tonic | Compassionate Receptivity | Yin Pranayama
The Way of Water: Stillness + Renewal ONLINE RETREAT
2.26.22 | For millennia, Taoists have observed the holistic interrelationship between the inner and outer worlds. In exploring the nature of Water, our February Day of Practice will explore Water’s themes of fluidity, reflective stillness and creative renewal.
Listening Like Water
2.21.22 | Nurturing Compassion | Inner + Outer Harmony | Deep Listening