This is the final installment of a 3-part interview with author and teacher, Matthew Resmski. We focus on Matthew’s important new book, Practice and All Is Coming, which exposes and explores sexual abuse and cult dynamics in Ashtanga Yoga.
In our conversation, Matthew sheds light on how attachment styles may contribute to problematic group dynamics. He also considers ways the broader yoga community can support survivors and, more broadly, what reform might look like as yoga culture moves forward with increased safety and transparency.
The themes of power abuse, toxic group dynamics, and victim blaming are important themes for anyone who occupies the space of a yoga mat or a meditation cushion in the modern yoga landscape.
Listen to Episode 62 here or subscribe in your favorite podcast app.
Links from the Episode
- How to Respond to Sexual Abuse Within a Yoga or Spiritual Community with Competency and Accountability by Karen Rain & Jubilee Cooke
- Matthew’s book, Practice And All Is Coming: Abuse, Cult Dynamics, And Healing In Yoga And Beyond
- Order from Amazon:
- Order from the publisher: and use the code Summers15 to get 15% off your purchase.
- Matthew’s website: